Utilities Menu
This menu facilitates access to the following utility tools:
- Calculate Channel Statistics computes statistics for each line, and for all lines in the database;
- Create Group-By Field creates group-by fields;
- Create Spectra Cluster Field for sorting spectra for NASVD analysis based on their shape;
- Calculate Dose Rate from fully-processed K, U and Th elemental concentrations;
- Calculate Radioelement Ratios from the fully-processed K, U and Th elemental concentrations;
- Save Nasvd-Smoothed Spectra saves the smoothed spectra to a new 256-band database field;
- Sum Spectra to 256 Channels sums multichannel spectra (that are a multiple of 256 channels) down to 256 channels for processing by GammaSpec;
- Window Spectra sums spectra over a user-specified window. The window counts are corrected for live time and saved to the database as a new field;
- Interpolate Nulls removes nulls from ancillary data fields. The only database fields that may contain nulls are the x and y coordinate fields;
- Insert Nulls re-inserts nulls previously removed using Interpolate Nulls.
All output and messages from the Utilities tools are directed to the Main Window.