Window Spectra

Sums spectra over a user-specified window. The window counts are corrected for live time and saved to the database as a new field.

    • Raw Spectra Field:  the raw 256-channel gamma-ray spectra database field. This is required if the Window Data Source "Raw Spectra" checkBox is checked;
    • Nasvd Amplitudes:  the NASVD amplitudes database field. This is required if the Window Data Source "Nasvd Spectra" checkBox is checked;
    • Nasvd Vectors:  the NASVD vectors file. This file must be in the same directory as the database. This is required if the Window Data Source "Nasvd Spectra" checkBox is checked;
    • Live-time Field:  the spectra live time database field;
    • New Window Field:  the name of the new window field to be sampled. A new field will be created in the database;
    • Num Nasvs Pc's:  the number of NASVD eigenvectors to use in the reconstruction of NASVD-smoothed spectra. This is required if the Window Data Source "Nasvd Spectra" checkBox is checked;
    • Low Energy (MeV):  the lower energy limit of the new window in MeV;
    • High Energy (MeV):  the upper energy limit of the new window in MeV;

All output from this tool are directed to the Main Window. You can also view the output in the User log file – File|View User Log File.