Corrections Menu
This menu initiates the processing of the raw livetime-corrected window count rates to final concentrations of the radioelements. The outputs are the final concentrations for K (%), eU (ppm) and eTh (ppm).
The corrections are applied sequentially as follows:
- estimation and removal of aircraft and cosmic background;
- estimation and removal of atmospheric radon background;
- the stripping of the background-corrected count rates (channel-interaction correction);
- height correction of the window countrates to the nominal survey height at standard temperature and pressure;
- conversion of the final window countrates to concentrations (sensitivity correction).
If the input database fields for this process are the raw window counts, then the tool will create the output database fields associated with the following aliases (if they don't already exist):
- Potassium Corrected
- Uranium Corrected
- Thorium Corrected
If the input database fields for this process are the NASVD window counts, then the tool will create the output database fields associated with the following aliases (if they don't already exist):
- Potassium Nas Corr
- Uranium Nas Corr
- Thorium Nas Corr
This completes the GammaSpec processing of the radiometric data.
See Tutorial 1 – Processing Airborne Data for a tutorial on the processing of airborne radiometric data.