Save Nasvd-Smoothed Spectra

Saves NASVD-smoothed spectra to a new 256-band database field:

    • Nasvd Ampl. Field: the NASVD amplitudes database field;
    • Nasvd Vectors File: the NASVD vectors file. This file must be in the same directory as the database.
    • Smooth Spectra Field: the new 256-band smooth spectra database field. For Geosoft databases, this field (channel) may have to be created before running the tool (see Geosoft database restrictions in Preparing The Database);
    • Num PC's: The number of NASVD eigenvectors to use in the reconstruction of the smoothed spectra.

All output from this tool are directed to the Main Window. You can also view the output in the User log file – File|View User Log File.