Topographic Correction – Aliases and Parameters
Topographic Correction aliases and parameters control file
altimeterName altitude // altimeter (metres)
temperatureName temperature // temperature (degrees-C)
pressureName pressure // pressure (millibars)
eastingName easting // easting (x-coordinate)
northingName northing // northing (y-coordinate)
potassiumName potassium // final potassium (no topographic correction)
uraniumName uranium // final uranium (no topographic correction)
thoriumName thorium // final thorium (no topographic correction)
potassium_topoName potassium_topo // final potassium (with topographic correction)
uranium_topoName uranium_topo // final uranium (with topographic correction)
thorium_topoName thorium_topo // final thorium (with topographic correction)
potassium_topo_corrnName potassium_topo_corrn // potassium correction scaling factor
uranium_topo_corrnName uranium_topo_corrn // uranium correction scaling factor
thorium_topo_corrnName thorium_topo_corrn // thorium correction scaling factor
demName ..\demo_data\airborne_spectrometry\topographic_correction\GRIDS\dem // full path to DEM
nominalSurveyHeight 60.0 // nominal survey height
attenuationCoeff_k 0.0094 // height attn coeff (/m) – potassium
attenuationCoeff_u 0.0084 // height attn coeff (/m) – uranium
attenuationCoeff_t 0.0074 // height attn coeff (/m) – thorium
sensitivity_k 136.0 // window sensitivity – potassium (cps/%K)
sensitivity_u 10.0 // window sensitivity – uranium (cps/ppmU)
sensitivity_t 6.79 // window sensitivity – thorium (cps/ppmTh)