GammaGrid Inversion - Aliases and Parameters
GammaGrid Inversion – Aliases and Parameters
GammaGrid Inversion aliases and parameters control file
gridDirectory ..\demo_data\airborne_spectrometry\gammaGrid_inversion\GRIDS
dataName potassium.PD // field to grid (K, U or Th)
errorName var_k.PD // error (variance) field
temperatureName temperature.PD // temperature field
pressureName pressure.PD // pressure field
altimeterName altitude.PD // altimeter field
eastingName easting.PD // easting
northingName northing.PD // northing
lineTypeName lineType.PD // line type field (2-lines, 4-ties)
demGrid dem // dem grid name
referenceGrid potassium // reference grid name
outputGrid gammaGrid_k_2 // output grid name
surveyHeight 60 // survey height (m)
lineDirection 90 // line direction (0-90)
sampleInterval 62.0 // along-line sample interval (m)
smoothWeight 2.0 // smoothing weight
refModelWeight 0.0 // reference model weight
tileSize 120 // grid tile size (cells)
padSize 20 // pad size in cells ( > max line spacing)
trimMargin 4 // margin trim (cells)
fieldType 1 // 1 – potassium
// 2 – uranium
// 3 – thorium
maxRadius 360 // max radius (m) for contributing prisms
maxIterations 2000 // maximum number of iterations
relTolerance 1e-12 // relative tolerance (for convergence)