Using Control Files

The following pages show typical control files for most of the GammaSpec tools. The purpose of each of the aliases and parameters are described in the comments. There are certain rules associated with the use of control files as explained below.

Alias and Parameter Control File Usage:

    • Aliases and parameters are passed to the program from the control file using “keywords”.
    • There must be a blank space before and after each keyword (i.e. keywords can't start in column 1). 
    • The program searches for each blank-delimited keyword, and the blank-delimited character string immediately following the keyword are the values assigned to the alias/parameter. So spaces in field names and file paths are not allowed.
    • Comments can be placed anywhere in the control file, except (obviously) between a keyword and its associated alias/parameter value. Note that keywords can thus be "commented out" by placing any non-blank character in the space preceding the keyword – if it's not blank-delimited, it won't be recognised.
    • The use of the "equal" sign anywhere in the control file is prohibited. Use "–" or "–>" instead.
    • Be careful not to use keywords accidentally in the comments!