Set Aliases
Quick Link: Descriptions of the database fields used by GammaSpec can be found in the airborne processing alias control file.
The Set Aliases window is used to set the GammaSpec aliases to their corresponding database field. The Pre-Existing Fields must already exist in the database. The Derived Fields will be created by GammaSpec if they do not already exist. There are three ways to set the aliases:
- Type the alias database field names into the corresponding text boxes (tedious).
- Click on a text box, then select the appropriate database field from the Select From Database listBox on the right (not so tedious).
- Load the aliases from a program control file using the Load From File button (easy). The alias file is created beforehand using a text editor – a sample alias file for airborne processing can be found here. Demonstration alias and parameter files can be found in each of the demonstration datasets directories.
The Set Aliases window sets the aliases for all the airborne processing steps! – i.e. NASVD, Energy Calibration, Windowing and Corrections. It is convenient to set them all here for processing raw data through to completion. However, a specific process can be run after setting only the aliases required by that process. See Aliases Required By Specific Processes for a list of aliases required by, and created by, specific processes. You will notice that GammaSpec creates several intermediate database fields during processing, rather than updating the same fields as processing progresses. These intermediate data fields are essential for effective quality control – see discussion in Using Intermediate Fields For Quality Control.
Once set, the aliases can be saved to a control file, using Settings|Save Aliases, for subsequent use with the same database.