Tutorial 13: Portable Spectrometer Data Processing
Data Setup
The Portable Processing tool operates on ASCII text files. See the example file in the "demo_data\portable_processing directory". Note that the spectra are formatted as columns. Also, there are no identification fields (observation numbers or names) associated with each spectrum – they are identified by their position in the file. The way to accommodate this is to use an text editor with a column select/copy/paste capability: copy your spectra (without the ID fields) into a text file with the correct format; process the spectra to elemental concentrations using the Portable Processing tool; then copy and paste the results back into your original file to re-link the results with your spectra ID's.
Processing Steps
- Launch the tool – Portable|Portable Processing.
- Open the spectra file – File:Open ASCII Spectra File. Navigate to the "demo_data\portable_spectrometry\portable_processing" directory and select the "spectra_portable.txt" file. The spectra are loaded into memory and the first spectrum displayed. You can now navigate through the file using the Scan controls on the tool window.
- Set the processing parameters – File|Set Parameters. Click the Load From File button and select the "parameters_processing_portable.pc" control file from the working directory. For an explanation of the parameters click the Help button. Click Save And Return.
- Process the spectra. Click the Calculate button. The results are displayed in the Results listBox.
- View the log file – File|View User Log File to see the full results.