Portable Processing – Parameters
Portable Spectrometer Processing parameters control file
numSumPortableEncal 3 // number of consecutive spectra to sum for energy calibration
encalMethod 2 // 1-automatic (cross-correlation) 2-manual(peak identification)
thoriumPeakChannel 206 // channel number at thorium photopeak maximum
calibrationPeakEnergy 1.460 // calibration peak (MeV) for energy calibration
calibrationPeakEnergy 2.614 // calibration peak (MeV) for energy calibration
portableBgd_k 0.39 // K window background counts (cps)
portableBgd_u 0.29 // U window background counts (cps)
portableBgd_t 0.22 // Th window background counts (cps)
alphaStrip 0.5153 // stripping ratio alpha
betaStrip 0.6413 // stripping ratio beta
gammaStrip 1.0455 // stripping ratio gamma
ainverseStrip 0.0493 // stripping ratio a
sensitivity_k 3.6999 // K window sensitivity (cps/%K)
sensitivity_u 0.3562 // U window sensitivity (cps/ppmU)
sensitivity_t 0.1408 // Th window sensitivity (cps/ppmTh)