Calibration – Aircraft And Cosmic Backgrounds
Aircraft and Cosmic Background calibration – aliases and parameters control file
spectraDownName spectrum // downward-looking spectra
spectraUpName spectrum_up // upward-looking spectra
cosmicName cosmic // cosmic counts
livetimeName liveTime // live time (secs)
includeUpward 1 // 0 – don't include upward-looking calibration
// 1 – include upward-looking calibration
useSumSpecEncal 1 // 0 – do encal on individual lines
// 1 – use sum spec of all lines for encal
encalMethod 2 // 1-automatic (cross-correlation) 2-manual(peak identification)
thoriumPeakChannel 204 // channel number at thorium photopeak maximum
calibrationPeakEnergy 0.511 // calibration peak energy (MeV)
calibrationPeakEnergy 1.460 // calibration peak energy (MeV)