Radon Stripping – Over-Water

The Radon Stripping Over-Water tool calculates the radon stripping coefficients used by both the spectral-ratio and upward-detector methods for estimating atmospheric radon background. It also calculates the spectral-ratio method "c1" coefficient and the upward-detector "au" coefficient. The tool requires lines flown over water in the presence of radon. After removing aircraft and cosmic backgrounds, the resulting spectrum should be a radon spectrum, from which the coefficients are derived. To use this tool:

    • Set the aliases and parameters – File|Set Aliases and Parameters;
    • Use the Select buttons to select the over-water calibration lines from the database;
    • Read the aircraft and cosmic spectra from file – File|Read Aircraft and Cosmic Spectra;
    • Click Calculate to run the tool once all the inputs are set as indicated by the checkBoxes in the top-right control panel.
    • View the log file File|View User Log File to see the results.

There is an alternative method for obtaining a radon spectrum to estimate c1, au, and the radon stripping coefficients using the daily survey test lines. This is described in the next section. 

Quick Link: Descriptions of the aliases and parameters used by this tool can be found in the spectral-ratio C1 control file.

See Tutorial 6: Radon Stripping – Over-Water Calibration for a tutorial on the use of this tool.